The internal dialogue is those conversations that we have with ourselves throughout the day, that makes us decide and reflect. This dialogue can be constructive or destructive, depending on the positive or negative nature that this mental process brings and this can bring consequences of the same type for our emotions and our reflection in the environment. That is why in this article we are going to give 7 tips to control our internal dialogue and use it to our advantage.

Analyze ourselves to understand the situation

In the first place, it is necessary to carry out a process of analysis to know which thoughts are most frequently repeated and determine the root of the situations in which they appear: when we are alone, in moments of anger, in stressful activities, when we fell in love, in happy outings, anyway. Writing down those thoughts that are recurring or being aware of them will allow us to know the dominant mentality and will be able to identify that it can be changed or improved.

Identify repetitive patterns

Once the analysis is done, we will be able to more easily identify those patterns that repeat throughout the day, since they may be due to unfinished business, concerns, anxiety or any other situation that causes us concern and the internal dialogue is sending us messages of this way for us to pay attention to them. By identifying these patterns, you can determine what situations must be resolved to return to calm.

Modify the message

When it comes to recurring negative thoughts associated with particular events these issues need to be resolved in order to clear the mind and lessen worries. Likewise, if it is about feelings towards a person, it is necessary to channel those emotions and focus the time dedicated to these thoughts towards other aspects that are beneficial for us.

Change negative to positive

Many times it can be difficult to make this change depending on the situation, but we must think outside the box and try to focus our thoughts from another perspective instead of thinking “What did I do to deserve this?” I can say to myself, “What can I do to change this situation?” If you want you can read our interior article titled How to detect opinions that hinder our success.

Don’t judge yourself so harshly

When we face a situation where our performance was at the expected level or we are disappointed, we tend to be very hard on ourselves, thinking if we did not give the best effort or if our capacities were not enough. We should push these kinds of thoughts away and focus on how we can improve for the next opportunity, train properly and learn from mistakes without being martyred for them.

Believe in yourself

Achieving emotional strength can be a long journey, learning that despite the external elements that affect us, we must stay focused and focused on our goals, trust in our potential and be able to identify in time those negative thoughts that may affect our trust.

Continuously work to improve and control

Improving internal dialogue and learning to control it is essential to improve our relationship with ourselves since by balancing the continuous messages that we send to ourselves or even silencing them, we can achieve a better attunement with our emotions and actions, focusing on the better way with our environment without those mental limitations that in many cases are the reason for not reaching our goals.

What do you think about this topic? Is your dialogue positive or negative?

If you have any questions or queries you can contact us or write your query at the bottom (comments section).

Image by DanaTentis via under Creative Commons license.

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