John Maxwell is an American writer, speaker and coach, with more than eighty books written mainly about leadership. There is a development process about leadership in our lives that will always result useful to us, there are three words that will determine the growth of our lives, the first is “election”,  this is what will allow us to start growing; the second is the “change”, the change that allows us to continue growing; and the third is the  “climate”, the climate is what allows us to enjoy our growth; we will share the elections and changes that we must make to grow as leaders, besides the climate that we can create is what will help us grow as people and as leaders, these are the seven recommended actions:

Choosing to be a leader

Why is it recommended to be a leader? Because there are people who feel a lot of responsibility if they are leaders, they do not want that responsibility because they don’t like to be the leader; we must focus on what we want and make the decision that we do want to be a leader.

Choose that it’s time to start growing

Most people talk about that they are going to start a book at some point, or that they are going to begin something at some point or I am going to watch the video at some point, we must choose that now is the moment to start growing because it is not an automatic process that happens to anyone, the decision, if we realize “one of these days” doesn’t exist, the time is now.


We are responsible for our own growth, we must take into account that our growth is what later will determine the growth of our company and we must not help our company grow without before helping people grow, as this generates short-term growth, but when the company and people grow together, it will be long-term growth.

Having a spirit willing to learn

If we really want to grow, we must have a spirit willing to learn, an example of John Maxwell is his friend who always carried a notebook and one day John decided to ask her why she always carried that notebook; his friend replied that she always wants to be ready to write down what she did not know before.

Focus on your own development

We must focus on our own development and not in our own satisfaction, the own satisfaction is to do what we enjoy most, from which we will get more benefits; and the own development is when we do what we are able to do, and that ends up being our own responsibility, that is, how something helps me to serve others.

Never be satisfied with achievements  

We can never be satisfied with where we are, we can be satisfied with what we have been able to achieve, but we must continue to grow and develop as people and as professionals, we must not see achievements as a fixed state, nor as a safe paradise where the individual is more than complete.

Being a continuous student

We must plan ahead and keep to a level of preparation and growth, we must always have books in the place where we like to sit, it does not matter if we only sit for ten minutes, the important thing is to always try to be a continuous student. If you want you can read our previous article titled 5 Richard Branson rules for succeed

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Image of jmexclusives via under Creative Commons license.

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