An organization can be very large, recognized, offer great economic benefits, but if it does not offer the right motivation, they will not perform optimally. Although in many companies financial benefits are usually the main motivation, it is necessary to have other types of incentives for reliability, sense of belonging, loyalty and employee satisfaction. That is why we are going to learn some important tips that serve to increase employee motivation.

Make them feel part of the team

Belonging to an organization is not just about being part of payroll, it is important to make employees feel that they belong to a team and that one wins, everyone wins, as well as if there is a problem, it is everyone’s responsibility to face it. Holding regular meetings, listening to their ideas and proposals for study and application in the search for improvements, in addition to listening to their complaints and opinions, to make the appropriate changes to improve the work environment, is a great way for staff integration.

Encourage growth

By enhancing the skills and knowledge of employees, the message that is transmitted is that they trust their skills, that they are committed to their training since they are an asset of value to the company and that as they grow, the organization grows thanks to your contributions.

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each

All of us have strengths and weaknesses and identifying them is an important step for growth, since it is what allows us to determine what aspects we must reinforce to improve. Self-evaluations and group sessions to discover the strengths and weaknesses by department are very important to stimulate individual growth as well as increase group motivation.

Objectively assign the position to be filled

It is very important to evaluate the performance of each worker objectively, in such a way that they can occupy a position within the organization that is most in line with their abilities and aptitudes, without feeling overqualified and falling into boredom or being afraid of failing due to not being trained enough. In this way, the feeling of envy or suspicion among colleagues is also avoided when they perceive that they are in a higher position for inappropriate reasons.

Recognition of performance

Another simple practice that increases motivation is recognition, both as a team and individually. Work well done should be highlighted, and it can be simple, a few words of encouragement or a public congratulation are always welcome, in addition to including greater rewards such as bonuses, which should not necessarily be monetary, but prizes such as movie tickets or lunch, are good ideas to increase the motivation of the work team.

What do you think about this topic? What other technique would you use to motivate your employees?

If you have any questions or query you can contact us or write your query at the bottom (comments section).

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