Mark Zuckerberg is a programmer and entrepreneur, born in 1984 in New York – the United States, his fame is due to being the creator of Facebook, one of the most important social networks in the world (which also owns Instagram and WhatsApp). His history and working methods are considered as a guide for entrepreneurs today so in the following lines we will share some rules that he has applied to reach success.


What is considered important at the time of undertaking is to maintain the focus on what you want to achieve, if you have an innovative idea or a Project you should believe in it, to project on how it will be. For example, in the case of Mark Zuckerberg from the beginning he was very confident of his social network Facebook, such is the case, that in 2006 he received an offer from Yahoo to buy it by 1,000 million dollars and he rejected it because he wanted to go further; Today is considered one of the richest people in the world according to Forbes magazine.

Investment of time

Although it may seem strange, one of the rules used by this entrepreneur is to invest time acquiring knowledge and also transferring it to his employees, with this it achieves that the time invested to develop a new product decreases; states that if people use a part of their time teaching new things to company members to be excellent, eventually the whole organization will improve and become better.

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One of the points that have allowed Zuckerberg to continue innovating in his company is to consult his team on the direction of the company, to know if the methodologies used are to his liking, which ones or how would they improve them; that’s to say, to maintain reciprocal communication with his employees by means of working meetings in which the different points of view and ideas can be heard.

To get wrong

Many of the entrepreneurs seek to be perfect and not to make mistakes (as it was mentioned on “3 reasons for which you should NO be a perfectionist when undertaking”). However, for Mark Zuckerberg mistakes should not be avoided as they will always occur, the important thing is to get up and be able to continue, learn from such error to improve (and not to happen again). Making mistakes is part of the learning process, so one should not be afraid of making mistakes.

Build a good team

This businessman emphasizes that the success of Facebook is not only about him but also of his working team, so he considers that it is very significant to put together a team in which everyone can learn from the rest because with this a dynamic is achieved where decisions can be made between everyone, which will be much better than being done by one person.

Learn from the people around you

Zuckerberg has created a good work team and in a certain way has nurtured them to be better on its field, he considers that one of the rules to success is to learn from those people who are around him, from their experiences and their knowledge, with this he manages to enrich himself from other points of view and so he can have new ideas.

Hiring employees you would work for

For Mark Zuckerberg it is important to fire people with great skills and talent, he mentions that a rule he uses to fire employees is to ask himself, “Would I work for that person? ”, if the answer is “yes” then it means he is a good candidate and has a lot to contribute to the company.

What do you think about this topic? What other rules to success would you ad?

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Image by TheDigitalArtist via under Creative Commons license.

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