In the present article, we will share part of what was the intervention of Ángel Lovera Romero in the First International Congress Ecommerce  Venezuela 2020, the theme was on How electronic commerce and digital management tools make the airports more intelligent, below you will see what Ángel told us about this topic.


Hello friends, good afternoon, my name is Ángel Lovera, I’m the CEO of Barracuda Soluciones Aeronáuticas, for me it is a real pleasure to accompany you today in this First Congress of Electronic Commerce of Venezuela 2020, today it is my turn to talk a little about the aeronautical theme, I’m a pilot and have some experience in the subject of Airport Management, in the elaboration of projects and innovations that have to do with the Electronic Commerce in the aeronautical sector, and I have recently participated in some businesses (like in the United States) about two months ago, and well I bring you an agenda and want to try to do it, so as not to make it tedious, I will try to take you through the path of what is the Intelligent Airports in Latin America.

Let’s talk first about what is a smart airport? What makes a smart airport? What are the different factors that determine what a smart airport is or not? And later we are going to talk a little about what is this growth of e-commerce in Latin America, I’m going to give you some figures, some numbers. We will also talk about what e-commerce is in Venezuela and the impact it has had on the aeronautical operations in our country. 

What is an Intelligent Airport?

Many people have the perception that we in Latin America may be a little behind with technology, and I want you to know that that is absolutely not true. While it is true that 5G technology is emerging in the world, it is in Asian countries, and the United States and Europe are already preparing for this 5G because the truth is that we in Latin America, who have already worked on development projects on management programs, have realized that we must first take those initial steps towards digitalization and towards overcoming the infrastructure problems and the different barriers that arise when making a management system, a payment system, and an e-commerce platform.

So, what is an intelligent airport? It is an airport that must be capable of doing several things; it must be capable of fulfilling two main things: it must always be looking for innovation of technology and sustainability; I believe that these would be the two most important elements for an airport to become intelligent. 

Technology in airports

When we talk about the technological part, there is, as I said, 5G interconnectivity, and there are also some elements as mobile platforms, mobile devices, sensors, there is RFID technology for placing the bags. All these different devices which are the technology that is already in use today are the first steps that airports must take to become intelligent. Later on, once the infrastructure barriers have been overcome, we will see how we can interconnect these products, but the first step that an airport must always take is going towards the technology, towards the innovation. 

Sustainability in airports

When we talk about sustainability, the airports of the world, it is not just in Latin America, they are tending to go towards that airport that is capable to provide or increase its operations at the same time that it decreases the impact on the environment, I can tell you that we see this a lot in the printing of the boarding passes, they are already using cell phones, we are making purchases inside the planes, we are making purchasing in the airports with our cell phones, we pay, there are different delivery services, we even talk today about a kind of delivery inside the airports.

All of this leads to sustainability or a reduction in the impact on the environment, less printing of invoices, less printing of migration forms, and for example to give you a number, in the United States a couple of years ago, the simple elimination and the digitalization of that process (Form 24) that has already more than eight years lead to savings of more than 20 million of dollars a year in paper printing, without mentioning the fact that there was a reduction in the impact on the environment. 


To learn more about this participation of Ángel Lovera and see it complete, you can do it in the following video:

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