Tai López is an entrepreneur, investor, internet personality, and motivational speaker born in the United States in 1977, who bases his philosophy of life on achieving a good life; he currently has a client portfolio where major e-commerce and real estate brands stand out, has more than 10 million followers on social networks, and is considered one of the main influencers today. From his nose for business and experience is presented in this article, some rules of Tai López to be more competitive.

Increase sense of urgency

Many people believe that, because they are young, they have all the time in the world ahead of them, which is not true, since you never know what destiny may bring; for this reason, the age at which someone becomes an entrepreneur is important, so we require to increase the sense of urgency as an intangible good; seize opportunities at the right time and make the most of them.


The popular saying goes that practice makes perfect, and López shares this philosophy of life since it shows that we require a lot of practice to stand out in whatever field. All who are excellent in any subject have dedicated themselves to practicing when the rest of their competitors are sleeping, so there is training and exercise, to be ready when required.

Protect what you have

It is not only about becoming successful and making money, since everything is part of a process and just as there are times of abundance, but there is also often drought, so you have to be prepared for these moments and difficulties, for this, it is necessary to save and protect the assets that you already have. It is necessary to obtain adequate advice and maintain insurance so that the assets do not under-capitalize.

You must have courage

Get out of the comfort bubble and take your mind outside the limits already established. Know how to take risks and train yourself to do increasingly difficult things. There is no money in what is easy, so you have to look at those intangibles, the ones that go further. Having courage does not mean being an intrepid person who always jumps into the void, but one who accepts challenges embraces difficulties and sets out to be better every day.

Get something to hold on to

It is not about jumping from idea to idea or good to good, since it is a success secret to find something that you are passionate about and stick with it, and keep that so someone else loves it since they have the same value for everyone. It is not thinking about short-term buying and selling businesses, but having a different approach that allows to appropriate something and own it, not to let go of ideas or businesses easily but to cultivate them and be good at it; since if you cannot find something for it, you can go through life without finding a stable path, although you also have to cling to the right thing, because if not, this can bring a lot of problems, especially if you invest more than necessary in this.

Have imaginative vision

Successful people have extraordinary business acumen and are imaginative; it is not about arguing by analogies and thinking that if someone does badly, they will always do badly; imaginative people think the opposite: rise from the ashes and emerge from the mental ruin that involves having a mindset that if you once failed, you will continue to do so. It is about being better and better and learning from mistakes to create something new.

Change your mindset to change your life

Everyone wants to make their life a better one. For this, you have to change the mentality to get what you want, and many people do not achieve it because they are not willing to do what they need or dedicate time to them. Focus on yourself and learn from the world. Look for revealing moments that teach those milestones that can be good ideas for business and be innovative.

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