The world did not expect a pandemic, the rhythm, and work techniques, were violently affected, changing routines, schemes, productivity, and much more, which has had a negative impact on both companies that did not have the equipment and logistics to modify their methods, and on people who were not used to working from home, and one of the aspects that have diminished most strongly is motivation, whether due to flexible schedules, confinement or not adapting to teleworking; for this reason, some tips to improve motivation when working remotely are indicated in this article.

Apply Gamification

One of the ways how the motivation of the work team can be increased is the use of Gamification; this is about applying dynamics, or parameters that are used in various games, in such a way that social elements are engaged in the work environment, in such a way that the fun sensation of the games is integrated, facilitating the acquisition of new knowledge or reinforcing the existing ones. In this way, the work elements become more dynamic and attractive, increasing participation and interaction with the processes.

Adapt to the Workflow

Most companies have found it necessary to use digital tools and adjust their processes to survive the pandemic, this includes the application of collaborative work, changes that occurred overnight, to which many people were not accustomed, which in many cases generated resistance to change; betting on workflow dynamics is a way to streamline processes through digital files, in such a way that minimizes work time and with schemes that make processes more visual and comfortable.

Keep learning

Fostering a learning culture is fundamental in work teams. If you have a group updated with the news in the area, with an active investigative spirit, and without conformity, it will be much more productive and with better results. Learning also helps people to feel better, to increase collaboration between workers, and to understand facts. This is of vital importance today since, with the incorporation of new programs, applications, and technological tools, it is necessary to promote learning and make acquiring new knowledge a routine.

Enhance team talent

It is essential to know which are the strengths and weaknesses of each of the members of the work team, in such a way that the roles within the different departments can be assigned effectively, helping people to feel more comfortable and confident in their activities and strengthening group work by supporting the different members to grow professionally and personally since, in the end, companies advance as their members advance.

What do you think of this topic? What other tip do you think can be useful to motivate yourself when teleworking?

If you have any doubts or questions you can contact us or write your query below (comments section).

Image by mohamed_hassan via under Creative Commons license.

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